Saturday, August 3, 2013

A Journey of Inspiration: Learning to Write Publish and Sell Your Book

Every author imagines themselves being published and eventually becoming a bestseller. Most, outside of writing time, dream of gaining the notoriety and fame that comes with having your book in print and read - received well; by a large audience. However, this occurs for few authors. 

Most will over time decide to pursue a small market strategy of publication. For many of these authors the process can seem tedious and burdensome because of the varying elements necessary in operating an independent press.  The most extensive of these can often, and has left many, feeling discouraged. For them being a small press and book distributor that has to market and sell what he/she has written - is too much of a process to every seem to pay what is put in it.

With marketing and advertising plans it seems you’re limited to you and your expertise. That is unless you have room in your budget to employ others. For some, especially new writers/ publishers this can be disillusioning. You’ve put together a well-crafted piece that no one or few get to read because you don’t have an established market; or better said no one knows you exist.

There are a number of ways however to remedy this - to market your book and encourage distribution. With the advent of POD (print on Demand) and especially EBook publications; there is no requirement to hold inventory of your book (which costs). And with many companies [Amazon for instance] having an independent publisher alternative, your work can be distributed with just a few clicks.

Your final concern then would be sales. How do I actually make a profit from my book?

A quick and simple answer would be using a social media strategy. Not surprisingly social media can drive sales of your book. The question is how to get my writings, my published book into the social media spectrum?
Here is a short view of how to write publish and sell your book 

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I speak with the voice my father gave me. Tempted at times to overly express my mind, instead I choose to write. To share with the world my views on Life, Liberty, and compassionate Justice... Not blinded by the illusion one voice will silence the crowd, I contend One voice can... and will ultimately Change The World

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